Fun things to do in hoi4
Fun things to do in hoi4

The economy also poses a challange, which is rare in HoI3. In a previous attempt, i only had 6 INF and it proved too few. I am currently fielding 13 corps, which is 8 INF, 4 MIL and 1 CAV corps (plus harbor garrisons).

fun things to do in hoi4

The numbers are not too high (as with say the USSR) and defending and attacking alike are fun. I am currently playing NatChi on hard and i think it would be my candidate. Okay, i thought, as an exercise of giving some additional feedback to PI, which they can use for making HoI4, it might be a good idea to have people state, which country they enjoyed playing the most in HoI3, preferable with reason.

Fun things to do in hoi4