The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 87. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 88.

Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 89. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 90. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 91. A big thank you to Richard Reece who developed and made these maps available to the Victory! gaming community! Victory! Download Area - An updated Victory! Map Set (v1.03) is now available! One map is in PDF format and covers the entire Victory! gaming area (includes Europe, Canada/US and Weather map info) - it is also in color! The second map is a black/while version of the PDF map in JPEG format so that it can be used with paint programs, etc.

Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 92. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 93. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 94. Site Work - As with all site updates.if you see any problems (bad links, typos, etc.) please contact Russ at so I can get them corrected. Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 95. Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.